What Is the Caravan?
The Tzofim Friendship Caravan is celebrating 50 years of bringing excitement, energy and friendship to North America through friendship and performance! The first Caravan came to the United States in 1973 to bring a message of hope and peace for Israel. Since that first Caravan, the program has grown to three different Caravan travelling across North America, North, South, East, and West.
Each Caravan is made up of a group of five girls and five boys and their two leaders. They are chosen to be members of the Caravan based on their maturity, fluency in English, and of course their talent in the performing arts. After several rounds of competitive auditions and interviews, the scouts spend a year training and rehearsing for their exciting summer in North America.
Friends of Israel Scouts is excited to announce a special partnership with the Jewish National Fund (JNF)! By working together, we look forward to continuing to strengthen the bonds between Israel and North America.
Jewish National Fund (JNF) began in 1901 as a dream and vision to re establish a homeland in Israel for Jewish people everywhere. Jews the world over collected coins in iconic JNF Blue Boxes, purchasing land and planting trees until ultimately, their dream of a Jewish homeland was a reality. Today, JNF strives to bring an enhanced quality of life to all of Israel’s residents, and translate these advancements to the world beyond. JNF is greening the desert with millions of trees, building thousands of parks, creating new communities and cities for generations of Israelis to call home, bolstering Israel’s water supply, helping develop innovative arid-agriculture techniques, and educating both young and old about the founding and importance of Israel and Zionism.
Interested in seeing the Caravan perform?
For security reasons, we are unable to publish the Caravan's summer tour publically.
To find out when the Caravan will be visiting your community, please contact us at
caravan@israelscouts.org or 212-390-8130, ext. 308.